journal articles

(2024) The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies by usingthe technology organizational environment framework:The mediating role to manufacturing performancein a developing country.. Business Strategy and Development, 3, Vol. 7, (2), pp. N/A, Available at:

(2023) Examining the Potential Usages, Features, and Challenges of Using ChatGPT Technology: A PRISMA-Based Systematic Review. Migration Letters, 2.0, Vol. 20, (S9), pp. 927-945, Available at:

(2023) What Drives People’s Behavioral Intention Toward Telemedicine? An Emerging Economy Perspective. SAGE Open, 2.0, pp. 1-20, Available at:

(2023) Evaluation of green chili stored at the chilling condition: Effects of thermal and ultrasound pretreatments. Food and Humanity , Vol. 1, Available at:

(2023) Factors Influencing People’s Behavior and Perception About Online Shopping: A Study in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh. International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, (5), Available at:

(2023) Impact of industry 4.0 technologies on sustainable supply chain performance: The mediating role of green supply chain management practices and circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 11.1, Available at:

Md. Alamgir HossainRuhul AminAbdullah Al MasudMd. Imran HossainMohammad Awal HossenMohammad Kamal Hossain (2023) What Drives People’s Behavioral Intention Toward Telemedicine? An Emerging Economy Perspective. SAGE Open (SSCI, Scopus, Q1), Cite Score: 3.4; IF: 2.0, Vol. 13, (3), pp. 1-20, Available at:

Md Rabiul AwalMd Shakhawat HossainTahmina Akter ArzinMd. Imran SheikhMd. Enamul Haque (2023) Application of the SOBC model to study customers' online purchase intentions in an emerging economy during COVID-19: does gender matter?. PSU Research Review, Available at:

(2023) Social media links with social capital to trust in healthcare facilities: empirical evidence from Bangladesh. Library Hi Tech, 1.62, Vol. 41, (1), pp. 210-228, Available at: